Thursday, March 31, 2011

Can We Talk? life happens. Precisely 3 days after posting the previous entry, I was talking with a friend at the park. I told her about this ambitious project I had come up with to involve our family in weekly service projects for the whole year. She told me I was being overly ambitious. My innocent reply: Really? Okay, it wouldn't be the first time I had been naive. Or bit off more than I could chew. In fact, I think I am kind of an expert on that...but that's beside the point. I thought if it were something REALLY worthwhile and something I was REALLY passionate about I could commit... Well, the truth is reality doesn't work that way. Life happens. Babies get sick. A teenager needs more love and teaching. A daughter is ready to learn about some of the harder facts of life. A six year old needs help with Girl Scout cookie sales. In a family, I realized, service is actually the order of the day. Not a day goes by without it. It is the steel girder that holds up the framework of a family. So for all the missed opportunities to serve in our wider community, for all the posts I missed on our blog (holy cow! was it really two months?), I really can't admit to a lot guilt or frustration over missing a goal. Because in actuality, we were still serving. Everyday there were boo-boos to kiss, a baby brother who wanted a trip to the park, a little sister who needs help with homework, a son who needs to talk until late at night. This is service. This is family. All the same, maybe I will change my goal to two big projects a month. Overly ambitious? Really?